Restore Physical Therapy Presents...
How to Bulletproof your Spine!
August 6th, 2020
630pm Eastern
@ Restore Physical Therapy

Dr. Amanda Zarriello

President of Restore Physical Therapy is excited to share with you how she has helped thousands of people with low back pain recover and get back to their active lifestyle. She will be discussing most common back injuries, myths about back pain and the most successful ways to treat it!

Dr. Ross Levine

Restore Physical therapy's spine specialist! Dr. Ross has helped many active adults and athletes recovery from back pain. He will be sharing his best tips and tricks on how to recover from back pain, how to avoid back pain and most importantly how to avoid surgery. 
Time left until webinar starts…
What you will get from this workshop:
  • How to avoid back pain
  • Most common spine diagnoses and how to treat them
  • Myths about low back pain
  • Top exercises to treat back pain
  • How to stay active with back pain
  • Live Q & A's with Dr. Ross and Dr. Amanda
WARNING: Space is limited. Please register now! We will have 15 spots available total for the in- house workshop!
Restore Physical Therapy
10 Worthington Road
Cranston, RI 02920
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